August 06, 2005

Donate to before everything blows up!!

Well, I am drastically under-employed but that didn't stop me from donating $25 to the critically important effort at the tip of the Peace Spear, the long-running site direly needs to raise a total of $60,000 for operations over the next year.

With a wide variety of voices about Iraq, Israel, globalization and all the rest, a tasty blog, and the iconoclastic editorial direction of Justin Raimondo, has definitely played an important role keeping stories like the Plame case and the AIPAC scandal (and their exciting cross-connections) somewhere in the public eye.

It's all going down this summer, and we need Antiwar to keep up the good fight. They only need a few thousand more, so go for it!!

Posted by HongPong at August 6, 2005 07:00 PM
Listed under Iraq , Israel-Palestine .