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September 06, 2006

I swear this damn Drupal thing is going in, the LONG way around

This is one of those annoying times for engineering this site. Currently running on MovableType 2.661, the last free version they offered, but on the new, faster and generally good web hosting I now get from PowWeb, it glitches out. I get out of memory errors when posting, and the Total Post Exporter function doesn't work completely.

I want to get the site into Drupal, and I've decided it's gonna 'go live' before I have perfected its design. Anything would be better than this situation, and I have a couple folks who want to contribute goodies when it's finally working. They have been very patient, but it's taken far too long to kick this process into action.

Unfortunately, the big stumbling block so far has been getting the data from MT into Drupal. There are a number of methods that people have devised, but each suffers from certain drawbacks: version incompatibilities, failing to import categories, and other toxic problems.

So I have been checkmated and unwilling to deal with muddling through this while programming all day at work. But just now, an obvious potential solution has popped into my head.

Last summer I experimented with yet another popular Open Source blog platform, WordPress, which is quite good and fairly mature now. I got most of the site put together, but there were some problems I didn't like in how it structured things. Drupal solves these problems - namely heirarchical categories/tags/taxonomies. All these billions of bookmarks I've been making in the last couple weeks are closely related to this scheme.

Most importantly, I was able to import all of, including the comments, from Movable Type into WordPress. I did this at least twice, so I know it works.

So today I thought, if MovableType > Drupal is not working, why not try MovableType > WordPress > Drupal ?

So I just installed Wordpress again, simply to pull this off. It's so crazy, it just might work!! Please stand by............ - i swear it'll happen!! (Currently it's just a few test posts) Eventually!!!!

Posted by HongPong at September 6, 2006 11:34 AM
Listed under HongPong-site .