April 04, 2006

AZ: Some fast ones

The flight went from MSP > Las Vegas > Tucson, so i had 35 minutes to kill in Babel. Look ma, i found the key to the Bush economy:
airport casinoIMG_1998.JPG
I lost $10 in the slots right away and decided I had mastered Vegas.

This is an avenue nearby Nick and Abby's. It rained the night I got there for the first time in weeks. Note the embedded trolley rail.
There is a pending bill in the state Legislature that would make it illegal for anyone to aid illegal immigrants. Many people in the area had signs that said "humanitarian aid is never a crime / no more deaths / no mas muertes".

Quality Nick Moments. He works at the Medicine Man Gallery and can be seen here forging an authenticity certificate.
nick streetnick mountainnick gallery
Expensive developments in the foothills / nice cars around the neighborhoods. Old cars are much easier to preserve in the warmer climate than here in Minnesnowta.
foothills fenceold caraloe vera big
Military presence: planes and helicopters buzzed constantly. This photo is upside down right now but it shows A-10 Warthogs cruising around above the University stadium. I will clean both these up and post properly later.

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum outside of town: The mountain lion exhibit honors Barry Goldwater, naturally. Note the hummingbird.


More photos from the student protest. These guys are from Telemundo Arizona (Telemundo is owned by NBC Universal, I didn't know that). Actually that one on the right is a very funny video which I will put up soon.



Well that is enough for now. I have to go to bed and get up early to do the Morning Reports. More to come, including video...

Posted by HongPong at April 4, 2006 01:44 AM
Listed under From Abroad .