February 16, 2006

Jihad and McWorld finally meet; HongPong.com gets Author Avatars

Well it had to happen finally. Those naughty Pakistanis trashed Ronald McDonald, thus finally giving life to the "Jihad vs. McWorld" thesis of Benjamin Barber.

Mcdonald Shoe

You may notice the array of icons along the side, to indicate our expanding circle of contributors. I won't ask anyone to do anything on a regular basis, just whenever they feel like it. I also did a little CSS trickery to get the appropriate icons to appear next to our posts, which should add a certain ego-projection/avatarity quality to things, helping to disambiguate us and provide a more amusing environment for the site.

My own avatar is India's fourth prime minister, Morarju Ranchhodji Desai (1896-1995), the first leader not from the Congress Party. A Brahmin from Gujarat, he was selected to lead the Janata Party in 1977, at the age of 81. Apparently he drank a cup of his own urine every day and lived to be 99.

If anyone else wants in on the gig email me. Or if anyone wants their icons changed.

I am working on a badass Politics In Minnesota thing right now so I won't write further, but I wanted to take my new Icon out for a spin.

Posted by HongPong at February 16, 2006 03:50 PM
Listed under HongPong-site .