March 12, 2005

Nice films

"There is no disputing that [timeattackers] are cheating at games to make their videos. This is a fact, and trying to argue against this point is futile and only demonstrates stubbornness and self delusion." -sdkess

Just got back from a screening of student films on campus. All in all quite entertaining, though they should throw that fucking DVD player in the garbage--it snagged on several films. Bassam Jarbawi's "Frequency," a montage of West Bank life with excellent music, and Jesse Mortenson's "Timeattack" were my favorites. By the way here are Jesse's links to the Timeattack websites:

On Tuesday I am on my way to Florida somewhere around here to get a little sun and spend a few days with the family. This is the first time I've gone somewhere warm with them during the winter in three years, so I just gotta do it. Then, during Macalester's spring break, I will be out in Colorado with some folks for about 6 days. Warm sun and fresh mountain air. A balanced vacation!

I enjoyed this advice from about various tactics to get people to go away and stop bothering you.

I have a bunch of various interesting links sitting around and as usual no time to form it together. If I'm going to tie up my loose ends tomorrow and get ready to go, probably won't have time. Or maybe I will...

Posted by HongPong at March 12, 2005 09:17 PM
Listed under Humor , Macalester College .