February 07, 2005

Just six profiles to go

It has been a rather unexpected venture in my life to go interview the Minnesota Legislature, and I'm tinged with a bit of sadness now that the experience will be encapsulated, finally, by finishing my last six legislator profiles going into tomorrow.. (It's 1:12, and I think I might be able to make it)

Two exciting matters on Monday: the class walkout scheduled for 1:10 and Randy Kelly coming to see the Mac Dems, in the wake of his really quite difficult to believe endorsement of Bush. Hopefully I'll make it around to both events, but it depends if I can get through the geographic additions that have yet to be made to the book.

Still remaining: Senator Satveer Chaudhary, Reps. Dan Severson, Loren Solberg, Jim Davnie, Kent Eken and Jean Wagenius. I just finished Rep. Mary Ellen Otremba. It would be difficult to imagine a more different set of people.

But I gotta keep going on.

Posted by HongPong at February 7, 2005 01:16 AM
Listed under Minnesota , Politics in Minnesota .