September 05, 2004

Photos 1

Here begins the picture collection. Some of my photos are still on Bill's computer, but the big batch of protest photos was still on the camera when we got back. This is a just a handful of pics but more are coming along. I have to go have dinner with my family now, so here it is.

Click on the pics to expand to full size.

These pics were from the march on Tuesday that started next to the United Nations building. The people in white PPEHRC shirts were acting as a layer of peacekeepers between the unpermitted march and the police.

It's fitting that a march shielded by peacekeepers started by the U.N.:


Hands up

I can't find the words for this one:


Protest medics:


The police:

Posted by HongPong at September 5, 2004 05:29 PM
Listed under Ground Zero or Bust .