June 20, 2004

Snark deficiency - what now?

Experts report that the United States Strategic Snark Reserves have been severely depleted, and absent new discoveries of snark may run dry within three years.

"Liberal bloggers have been using snark at an exponentially expanding rate, but it's not a renewable resource" said Lawrence Peters, head researcher at the American Blog Studies Group, a liberal think tank. "Once it's gone, it's gone."

Already the shortage has had an impact. Liberal bloggers like Billmon and Josh Marshall have taken extended vacations in recent months to recover; others, like the Washington Monthly's Kevin Drum, have dramatically curtailed daily snark output. Other bloggers have suffered more severely.

"I just couldn't take it anymore," blogger Hesiod probably would have said, had this reporter bothered to contact him or any of the other people mentioned in this story. "It started out bad, even before the Bush Presidency began, and it just kept getting worse."
...for now, experts caution that the months before the next election could see the shuttering of many liberal blogs. "There simply isn't enough snark to go around, and it's only going to get worse from here," said Peters. "Some of these bloggers won't make it to the election. Their heads will pop like grapes."

Hunter on the Daily Kos. Yeah, that partly reflects my posting patterns of late, but really, this week I've been acclimating to classes at the University and doing more work for Computer Zone. I have good stuff to do tomorrow, should be interesting.

In other news, someone took a strategic photo of the notes that Bush had in front of him at one of his cheesy contrived press conferences. This photo reveals that he has a list of the reporters, not a huge surprise, but also he scrawls the same damn worthless talking points that he's parroted forever. Assuming the photo isn't faked.... Someone sent it to Atrios, and now the contest is to flip it around in Photoshop and see what he wrote. My first try produced the following image from the large source photo:
bushmemoflipAccording to the speculations of the Tom Tomorrow blog, the messages read:

Islam was A Threat -

SworN ENEMy of US Destabilizing Force in

Volatile part of world
weapons of mass d.

has [illegible, possible cross-out] - USED them

- Ties to terrorist orgs

- Contacts with Al Qaeda

over last DECADe

So that's entertainment!

Posted by HongPong at June 20, 2004 12:52 AM
Listed under Media , The White House .