June 05, 2004

Tenet: "Screw you guys, I'm going home"

Hard to say what the deal is with the CIA. You'd think they'd be happy that their man Allawi has been dropped in (parachuted in) as Prime Minister. But no, CIA's big hoss is quitting, Chalabi's teaming with the rising stars of fundamentalist Shiites like the Iraqi Hezbollah. Then there was the president's speech at Colorado Springs, another fine incantation of fear. But even that was fabricated, when you hear that the al-Qaeda linked group he's quoting from is probably just a crackpot with a fax machine.

You can watch Daily Show segments online now. I liked this clip about Tenet.

"Jon, the CIA's credibility has never been lower. Crazy people no longer believe the CIA is implanting a chip in their heads to listen to their dreams. They just don't think they can pull it off. It's a sad day for America when even our paranoid schizophrenics realize they don't need to wear the alumnimum foil hats anymore."
(via amy sullivan)
More later...

Posted by HongPong at June 5, 2004 07:02 PM
Listed under Iraq , War on Terror .