May 16, 2004

New version of Camino web browser

Earlier this week Josh Aas told me that a new version of one of the leading OS X web browsers (for we have many) is about to be released. In this case, the browser is Camino, which is quite fast. Camino is an open-source project of the Mozilla foundation, and Josh is one of the Mac programmers involved. You can download the nearly finished daily builds of 0.8 right now— however these are not guaranteed to work perfectly. Josh is especially happy with the bookmark manager he worked on. It seems more useful than Safari's.

In other Apple news, Apple is patenting transparent windows, apparently in an effort to ward off Microsoft from stealing that for their next release of Windows. Here is a story about some of the other things they've patented. In here are some odd alternative ideas for things like the dock—and a mysterious map program?—that were never made.

I might be getting a digital camera soon. That is a very exciting possibility. Here is a story about hacking digital photos, as a promo for a new O'Reilly book about digital photography. Interesting stuff.

[UPDATE May 18] The beta version has officially been released late last night. You can get it.

Posted by HongPong at May 16, 2004 05:05 PM
Listed under Technological Apparatus .