May 03, 2004

Sorry for lack of posts

Again let me say that I am very sorry that I haven't had time to post anything on the site, but I am working on my term papers and really don't have the time. Also for some reason my back really hurts and it makes it a bitch to use the keyboard.

Seymour Hersh is an American hero.

My major paper is on privatized military firms and the news is all over TV tonight--thanks in part to Mr Hersh--that private military firm personnel mainly working for CACI have been implicated in ordering MPs to torture prisoners. This alongside all the Blackwater stuff..... It is pretty damn shocking.

Last semester I was writing a critical theory paper about the war in Iraq in December, and the very day I'd set entirely aside to write it was the day they captured Saddam Hussein. This paper has been unfolding a little more smoothly but wouldn't you know it I keep finding these awesome primary sources like the comprehensive CPA analysis below. Dang nabbit!

I will be posting the paper when its finished, as it's turning out fairly well.

Posted by HongPong at May 3, 2004 09:44 PM
Listed under Iraq , Usual Nonsense .