April 26, 2004

Iraqi reconstruction or deconstruction

I am really getting into term paper time here, so it's quite difficult to write a whole lot. However, I would suggest that you spend a while looking at Raed in the Middle. He has some great ideas about how to drive Iraqi reconstruction, but as a Palestinian living in Iraq he has a peculiar sense of how horrible things are becoming in Iraq and Palestine. His friend also went to Fallujah and wrote about it.

In class today some students proposed an Iraqi confederation and wouldn't you know it, here's a proposal to do just that.

Here is an old article that Raed's brother wrote about Chalabi's militia, the supposed "Free Iraqi Forces."

This is kind of cool: "Another day in the Empire: Life in Neoconservative America" by Kurt Nimmo.

Empire Notes is back in Austin, TX, rounding up what happened to him in Iraq.

Alliances are shifting dramatically. Is soft power evaporating?

Check out this sweet satirical Halliburton poster.

For the mercenary file a slightly hyperbolic piece on "the rising corporate military monster" from CounterPunch. That is what I have to go read about right now, thank you very much.

One presentation due Wednesday, one term paper draft due Friday, two papers due Monday. Here we go!

Posted by HongPong at April 26, 2004 08:30 PM
Listed under Iraq , Military-Industrial Complex , Neo-Cons .