October 08, 2003

California Dems terminated

I had my fingers crossed that this wouldn't come to pass. But now its happened: the GOP precipitated a novel majority/plurality election and managed to vaporize the value of serious political discourse in America's most important state. Their candidate, a totally inexperienced, steroid-addled, wealthy movie star, provided that certain STRONG MAN FIX IT vibe, while surrounding himself with all the usual Republican operatives. Davis seems to have been a seriously terrible politician, so good riddance. Bustamante ran a wounded, half-assed campaign. Gee, thanks. (Maybe he's waiting for Arnold to alienate the Latinos with social service cuts)

Everyone should be highly disappointed that there wasn't any sort of real debate whatsoever. I think several proper debates for statewide office should be federal law, if otherwise we are going to have more of this garbage. Also plurality and majority votes shouldn't be on the same ballot, because it prevents the goverment from properly defending itself to the public while challengers maneuver to lead the field. In all, a squelching of discourse and a flood of static. Damn.

Why the hell do Democrats get such cold feet when it comes to supporting each other? Davis refused to campaign --hard-- for Bustamante, because he's a selfish, annoying man. Just like when Clinton didn't really campaign with Gore. The Rebubs are very good at slicing up these kinds of relationships by making it appear that the Dems have something to lose by appearing together. This is so messed up because the incumbent Dem's strength is the institution they hold. Until the D's learn to stand up and fight together then the R's will just divide conquer and make donkeys look scared. D's been fooled twice. Let this be the last time.

Fortunately the Rebubs can finally no longer play the sexual integrity card against the Ds. Which of course works more in their favor because Democrats don't philander as much as Rebubs.

The Cali economy: who knows what the hell these Rebub institution trolls will dream up... somehow I suspect it will shaft Hispanic and minorities on social services, while refusing to fix the property tax.

The big problem with Davis was that he was so damn chicken. The power companies literally walked out with the whole state treasury and he doesn't even seem pissed off. Why didn't he demand investigations, blame them for the budget and all that? Why why why?

As for the infinite-repeat recall problem: I don't think anyone wants to see a permanent recall loop, which could easily happen with such a polarized and crisis-ridden state. I really hate Schwizzy but it clearly would be unfair to force a recall before, say, this summer.

If Arnold is as partisan as he looks to be (lets set aside the generic outsider rhetoric and look purely at his advisers) then he will not be able to cut a deal with the Ds. He is so inexperienced he probably won't know how to hold carrots and sticks properly. California may be stupid, but they're not stupid. If he's an incompetent Repub. bastard who doesn't get it done, the stage will be set for a summer recall.

Dear god, then there's the very good chance that the Terrorists will attack California and we will see the superhero standing dramatically in some wreckage... Talk about the unity of fantasy and reality.

The whole campaign vibe was that Arnold could save the day like his movies. But we should remember how T3 ends: Arnold obediently, rationally, marches the world straight to the Apocalypse and never tries to stop it. That's California 2003.

Posted by HongPong at October 8, 2003 10:34 AM
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