May 09, 2003

Moving to new digs

Final exam time is wrapping up here at Macalester, and people are either stressed to their limits or finished. It's been a hell of a semester and no one has yet sized up what really happened. That could take a while...

I'm living in a sweet apartment this summer and next year, on Grand Ave. I'm going to move in over this weekend of the 10th-12th, and we are getting cable modem service installed the 13th hopefully. So the site might be off for a couple days, but it wil return. Hopefully there should be some video goodies online next week. I've had zero time to keep up with it, but that will change. Now to get through this last work...

I will be cut off from my phone number on Monday, so the only way to reach me will be by A) email B) stopping by 1834 Grand Ave., adjacent to the Grandview movie theater by Grand & Fairview Aves. I'm probably getting a cell phone this weekend, but who knows what's going to happen...

Posted by HongPong at May 9, 2003 05:38 AM
Listed under HongPong-site .