March 21, 2003

Minneapolis March 20 Macalester mofos makin' a mess

There were big protests in response to the Iraq invasion all over the world. Out in San Francisco the hippie anarchists took some initiative and fought the police, while elsewhere people noted that world society has more important things to do than attack Arabs. The weather in the twin cities was rather forbidding, but we were still able to get about 5,000 people out and around for a march around downtown. It was a lot of fun, despite a chilly light rain part of the time. I ran into lots of Macalester friends and we shouted subversive things. My little brother came along and got political for the first time.

I had the digital camera and took about 90 pictures, which I cleaned up in Photoshop and put together a 72-pic slideshow of crowds, signs, flags and general ruckus. After showing this around, it was clear the original slide show was too big for small computer screens, as well as too fat to download well over dialup modems. So now I have two more galleries which don't automatically 'slide show.' One gallery is quite small, for small screens and low-bandwidth connections. The other gallery is a bit bigger but fits better on small screens. The large version photos are in the slideshow. The set of photos is the same in all. I want to thank my little brother Johnny (rockin a gray hoodie and red hat in many pictures) for taking the group pictures.

It's always interesting to watch the reactions of passerby. Some people just stand there looking stonefaced, experiencing a little doubt and cognitive dissonance over the righteousness of their leader. Which is the idea.

So check the fantastic (very large size) slide show, Gallery (small), Gallery (large)!!! Choice pics include: Kira, Schwartz, Annie & Arun getting loud, Dan "Fist Bush" Sword & his "dirty hippy" roommate, The Henry High School guys & girls, the native (Aztec?) dancers, and lots of cool crowd shots too.

Posted by HongPong at March 21, 2003 12:58 AM
Listed under Iraq .